Introduction to Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback Training (NFT), often referred to brain wave training, is a type of biofeedback in which individuals are trained to improve their brain function.
NFT has been practiced for well over four decades. Hundreds of thousands of individuals and families impacted by various mental health and/or neurological conditions have benefited greatly from this powerful, effective, established, and proven intervention.
Like other forms of biofeedback, NFT uses monitoring devices to provide moment-to-moment information to an individual on the state of their physiological functioning. The characteristic that distinguishes NFT from other biofeedback is a focus on the central nervous system and the brain. NFT has its foundations in basic and applied neuroscience as well as data-based clinical practice. It takes into account behavioral, cognitive, and subjective aspects as well as brain activity.
NFT is preceded by an objective assessment of brain activity and psychological status. During training, sensors are placed on the scalp and then connected to sensitive electronics and computer software that detect, amplify, and record specific brain activity.
Resulting information is fed back to the trainee virtually instantaneously. Based on this feedback, various principles of learning, and practitioner guidance, changes in brain patterns occur and are associated with positive changes in physical, emotional, and cognitive states. In NFT sessions, changes within the brain can be accomplished through
stimuli presented to the brain in audio and visual from.
Research demonstrates that neurofeedback is an effective intervention for ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Headache, OCD, and PTSD. The benefits are usually experienced as improved focus, enhanced concentration, increased energy, higher quality sleep, decreased moodiness, diminished agitation, and reduction in anxiety, as well as reductions in other physical symptoms typically related to stress such as headaches.
Website: https://isnr.org/