Functional Restoration Program
Nueva Vida Behavioral Health Associates, Functional Restoration Program represents a functional restoration approach with a multidisciplinary treatment team to provide services for the patient. The medical director, along with physical therapist, licensed professional counselor, and other health care professionals, provide comprehensive diagnostics and treatment services, which are based upon their multidisciplinary theories, approaches, and recognized effective strategies for patients to provide the highest quality care. Among the multidisciplinary team, there are collaborative efforts in practice within individual treatment modalities to provide further treatment enhancement to maximize the patient's gain in functional improvements and measurable outcomes.
The Functional Restoration Management Program emphasizes patient responsibility, as opposed to, passive involvement in treatment. At Nueva Vida Behavioral Health Associates, we believe the key to assisting the individual is to encourage each individual to accept personal responsibility, which provides the best opportunity for personal rehabilitation progress, shown by results in the individual returning to their life productively, across roles and environments. The individual's productivity and improvements are clinically and objectively defined through our Outcome Management System, consistent with the Official Disability Guidelines (ODG) and the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) standards, which is directly related to identify pain related problems, goals, and objectives, including improvements in physical and vocational planning.
Functional Restoration Program is "Recommended where there is access to programs with proven successful outcomes (i.e., decreased pain and medication use, improved function and return to work, decreased utilization of the health care system), for patients with conditions that have resulted in "Delayed recovery." Types of programs: There is no one universal definition of what comprises interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary treatment. These pain rehabilitation programs (as described below) combine multiple treatments, and at the least, include psychological care along with physical and/or occupational therapy (including an active exercise component as opposed to passive modalities). Types of treatment: Components suggested for interdisciplinary care include the following services delivered in an integrated fashion: (a) physical treatment; (b) medical care and supervision; (c) psychological and behavioral care; (d) psychosocial care; (e) vocational rehabilitation and training; and (f) education. "
Medical Care: The medical director is responsible for initial medical evaluation, monitoring the medical care, review and manage medications, and assessing the need for further diagnostic testing for the patient. The medical director encourages the patient to understand, each individual is in the strategic and critical role, as patient, to achieve their long-term successful rehabilitation and successful pain management for return to prior to injury/health problems capabilities, including return to work.
Physical Therapy: The patient will be involved in an active physical medicine program with emphasis on stretching muscles, increasing range of motion, increasing mobility, strength, and endurance. To successfully gain the patient's improvement in strength and pain tolerance, these rehabilitation modalities are integrated into a specialized posture and body mechanics training program, which utilizes modeling, videotape feedback, one-to-one and group instructions provided by a licensed physical therapist.
The patient's exercise program will include flexion exercises and instruction in the pelvic tilt, other postural training procedures, with information provided and exercises in modified forms of aerobics, walking exercises, aquatic exercises, yoga, massage, electrical stimulation, and gait training to enhance the patient's physical functioning level. Limited passive treatments will be utilized, and determined on an individual pain patient basis.
The patient's range of motion will be carefully measured initially and regularly throughout their rehabilitation program to determine improvements. The basic concept of a 'self-control or self-help model' will be employed throughout the treatment program.
Biofeedback Training: Biofeedback training will assist the patient in reducing maladaptive neuromuscular behaviors, which can substantially relieve suffering secondary to pain. Learning autonomic control to the point of controlling personal peripheral skin temperature, has a significant calming and relaxing effect, which is counter or opposite to excessive anxiety, tension and depression for the patient. Each patient who participates in biofeedback training will be assessed through quantitative recording of their psychophysiological responses throughout training. This data will be utilized to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses in the individual's biofeedback training progress and responsiveness throughout their program.
Vocational Planning: Vocational assessment and counseling is at minimum an important critical feature offered through the Functional Restoration Management Program. As many patients often have serious to debilitating vocational difficulties, especially in returning to heavy physical labor, a vocational assessment is provided, as needed. A vocational assessment will provide careful detailed analysis of the patient's interests, aptitudes, intelligence and work history, which is utilized for appropriate vocational exploration and planning.
These services are provided in a collaborative effort with the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS). Additional vocational services are provided, as needed, including career exploration, motivation for work, and assistance for vocational retraining, job coaching or placement. Vocational assessment and intervention services plan is developed, adapted, and completed to meet the individual patient's needs with the primary long-term goal of successful return to work.
3 Neuro-feedback Treatment: Neurofeedback involves spending 20-50 minutes generally twice a week. The training protocol is created following a 20 channel qEEG assessment and interview overseen by a supervisor with 20+ years of NFB experience. NF has been found in numerous research studies to be effective in helping alleviate a number of conditions including problems in attention (ADHD), anger, anxiety, impulse control, insomnia, migraines, PTSD, depression, and affective disorders. NFB has also been subject to many research studies on its effectiveness for head trauma and TBI (traumatic brain injury). Results of these studies have shown significant differences in both the qEEG data and written assessments following completion of NFB treatment.
Cognitive Rehab Therapy: CRT is any therapy that healthcare professionals have designed to help improve quality of life following a brain injury. There is no single approach to CRT. Instead, it usually involves several experts working together to develop a comprehensive plan to restore as much function as possible. In some cases, the goal is to restore brain function or rewire the brain, helping this organ work around the injury. For example, an SLP might help a person practice saying previously familiar words, or a physical therapist might help a person practice challenging movements so that their brain can learn to coordinate these movements more effectively. As it is not always possible to restore brain function, CRT also involves helping a person learn coping tools, such as using assistive devices to help them communicate or move more easily.
Initial and Follow-up Diagnostic Evaluation Process: Individual patient's acceptance into the multidisciplinary functional restoration program will be based on a comprehensive pain evaluation prior to their admission. This comprehensive pain evaluation will follow Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), American Medical Association (AMA), and the Official Disability Guidelines (ODG) criteria and standards.
Specific admission criteria include the following:
The individual patient whom is likely to benefit from a Functional Restoration Management Program.
The individual patient whose symptoms meet the criteria.
The individual patient whose medical, psychological, and/or other conditions do not contraindicate or prohibit participation in the program, including, but not limited to, severely deficit motivation, major other medical problems, which contraindicate the treatment modalities of the Functional Restoration Management Program.
Outcome Management System: Nueva Vida Behavioral Health Associates, has established, adapted, and continues to maintain an Outcome Management System consistent with the Official Disability Guidelines (ODG). Specific individual medical, physical, psychological, behavioral health, vocational, and other measures for effectiveness and efficiency comply with the ODG required and/or recommended outcome measurement standards to objectively determine to what degree and how the person served has benefited and improved from their treatment in the Functional Restoration Program, as well as, the benefits and impact on other significant stake holders, as defined by ODG.
Nueva Vida Behavioral Health Associates: Nueva Behavioral Health Associates has an established history of providing the highest quality of medical and health care within the San Antonio Metropolitan and surrounding Texas areas. Further information on the Nueva Vida Behavioral Health Associates, Functional Restoration Management Program may be obtained through direct contact to our professional staff as detailed below:
Nueva Vida Behavioral Health Associates
Functional Restoration Management Program 9500 Tioga Dr.
San Antonio, Texas 78230
(210) 616-0828 phone
1 (855) 616-0829 e-fax